This is the main model that MFN delivers through its APIs. Our objective to be very clear about the following
How to identify the news item (news_id)
How to identify versions of the news item (group_id)
Who is the author (author)
Who is being referenced in the press release (subjects)
What it is regarding (properties)
// A id that uniquely identifies this new item
"news_id": UUID string,
// A id that uniquely identifies a set of news item with different languages
"group_id": UUID string,
// A url that links to a public page where the item can be viewed
"url": URL string,
// A object describing who is the author of the news item
"author": Entity,
// A array of objects describing who the news item relates to
// This field discribe how is subject in the press release,
// NOT the subject of the item
"subjects": [Entity],
// A object containing properties relating to the news item
"properties": Properties,
// A object containing the content of the news item
"content": NewsContent,
// Should always be mfn and describes the source of the press release
"source": string,
// A object where new types of metadata might be added at futer date
"extensions": Extension
The entity describes a entity that in some way is referenceable. This includes, but not limited to companies. It can also be other types of entities such as funds. Entities is used for referencing both the author and the subjects of the news item. This serve to define Who says something and about Whom. In most cases Author entity and Subjects entity will be the same in the case of regular press releases.
Important to note regarding Entities is that the number of fields might grow to allow for more precise identification of the entity, therefor it is important to to for your model allow for this. In statically typed languages such as Java or C# it is a good idea to have a “AnySetter” for your model, that consumes all other parameters that you have not specified.
// A MFN reference to the entity
"entity_id": UUID string,
// The name that MFN uses for the entity
"name": string,
// A url friendly version of the entity name
"slug": string,
// An array containing all historical slugs of the entity
"slugs": [string],
// A url to a image illustrating the brands of the entity
"brand_image_url": URL string,
// Isin referring to stocks associated with entity
"isins": [strings],
// References to the entity by LEI,
"leis": [strings],
// Reference to entity in a country, e.g. SE:556920-1998
"local_ref": [strings],
// Publicly traded entities will have tickers attached to them
// they follow the pattern of primary_market_mic:symbol, eg XSTO:VOLV B
"tickers": [strings]
The news content contains the content of the news item as well as attachments, such as pdfs.
// The title of the press release
"title": string,
// A url friendly version of the title
"slug": string,
// The first paragraph of the press release
"preamble": string,
// The content of the news, including preamble, footers and attachemtns
// formatted as html
"html": html string,
// The content of the news, including preamble, footers and attachemtns
// formatted as monospace text
"text": string,
// RFC3339 time format, 2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00
"publish_date": date string,
// Attachments that augments the news item.
"attachments": [Attachment]
Attachments allow for files of different types to be attached to a News Item. This can include pdf, images or just links
// Display name for file
"file_title": string,
// MIME type for file, e.g. application/pdf
"content_type": mime string
// The url where the file can be retrieved.
"url": url string
// Attachment tags
// ':generated' is an attachment generated by MFN (usually the item in PDF format)
// ':primary' is an attachment containing the news item content
// 'image:primary' is an attachment containing the news item's primary image
"tags": [string]
The properties object contain metadata about the news item that describes it. One of the more important aspects of this object is the type property which relates for whom the news item is targeted. If it is set to IR, Investor Relation, this means that the target is investors and the stock market. While PR, Public Relation, is meant for news desks and should have no real bearing on the stock market. By default all APIs only relay IR types
// The type of news item, Investor Relations or Public Relation, e.g. ir or pr.
"type": type string,
// The language of newsitem.content, ISO-639, e.g. sv or en
"lang": lang string,
// Metadata regarding the news item, both MFN specific and Author specific
"tags": [Tag string],
Tags is an array of strings, each string defines one tag. A tag can be viewed as a boolean property being true if present. A tag is divided into at least two parts, a namespace and the content, e.g. sub:report:interim where sub is the namespace. Tag can be added to the different namespaces over time, but they should always appear in this documentation
Tags describe in general the taxonomy and classification of press releases. This is done primary through the root and sub namespace listed below. The tags are hierarchical by nature and the entire hierarchy should be present, mening that id sub:report:interim:q4 appears in a tag, sub:report:interim and sub:report also appears
There are a few namespaces and tags that follow with each.
Root namespace
This namespace is important in some contexts and will always be the first thing in the array. It is defined by metadata that must be present.
:regulatory indicates that news item is required by some regulation
:regulatory:marindicates that news item is required by EU Market Abuse Regulation
:regulatory:vpmlindicates that news item is required by Swedish "Lagen om värdepappersmarknaden" Regulation
:regulatory:lhfiindicates that news item is required by Swedish "Lagen om handel med finansiella instrument" Regulation
:regulatory:listingindicates that news item is Stock Exchange Listing Requirement
:correction A correction of a previous sent news item
:correction:{news_id} A correction with a reference to the news id of which it corrects
Subject namespace, prefix sub:
This namespace contain metadata that helps to categorize the news item. This namespace is defined by MFN and addition.
sub:reportindicates that news is report of some kind
sub:report:annualindicates that news is a Annual report
sub:report:interimindicates that news is a Interim report
sub:report:interim:q1indicates that news is a First Quarter Interim report
sub:report:interim:q2indicates that news is a Second Quarter Interim report, a.k.a. Semi Annual
sub:report:interim:q3indicates that news is a Third Quarter Interim report
sub:report:interim:q4indicates that news is a Forth Quarter Interim report, a.k.a. Year End
sub:caindicates that news item is related to a Corporate Action
sub:ca:sharesindicates that news item is related a change in number of shares or votes
sub:ca:shares:issuanceindicates that news item informs about stock issuance
sub:ca:shares:repurchaseindicates that news item informs repurchase of stocks
sub:ca:shares:rightsindicates that news item informs about changes to stock rights or classes
sub:ca:maindicates that news item is related to Mergers & Acquisitions
sub:ca:ipoindicates that news item is related to a ipo
sub:ca:prospectusindicates that news item is related to a prospectus
sub:ca:otherindicates that news item is related to other Corporate Action
sub:ciindicates that news item is related to Corporate Information
sub:ci:gmindicates that news item is related to a general meeting
sub:ci:gm:noticeindicates that news item is a Notice to a General Meeting
sub:ci:gm:infoindicates that news item is a Report from a General Meeting
sub:ci:insiderindicates that news item is a insider transaction
sub:ci:shareholder-announcementindicates that news item is a shareholder announcement
sub:ci:calendarindicates that news item is a financial calendar
sub:ci:presentationindicates that news item is related to a presentation
sub:ci:nominationindicates that news item is related to Nomination Committee
sub:ci:earningsindicates that news item informs about a earnings report
sub:ci:salesindicates that news item informs about some sales
sub:ci:sales:orderindicates that news item informs about a incoming sales order
sub:ci:staffindicates that news item is related to staff changes
sub:ci:staff:xxoindicates that news item is related to executive staff changes
sub:ci:otherindicates that news item is related to other Corporate Information
Custom namespace, prefix cus:
Author of a news item can add their own tags in order to categorize their content, but should in most cases probably be ignored by third parties. example might be cus:fintech
JSON Example
"version": "",
"title": "",
"home_page_url": "",
"feed_url": "",
"description": "MFN is a feed for press releases in regards to publicly traded companies",
"items": [
"news_id": "4b464d03-bcbe-45cb-abc4-b2c756924b6b",
"group_id": "4a6371dc-2627-4d44-b3be-cb23f621a227",
"url": "",
"author": {
"entity_id": "4061beb5-cabc-4c13-9811-0393a8329209",
"slug": "nolato",
"slugs": [
"name": "Nolato",
"brand_image_url": "",
"isins": [
"leis": [
"local_refs": [
"tickers": [
"subjects": [
"entity_id": "4061beb5-cabc-4c13-9811-0393a8329209",
"slug": "nolato",
"slugs": [
"name": "Nolato",
"brand_image_url": "",
"isins": [
"leis": [
"local_refs": [
"tickers": [
"properties": {
"lang": "en",
"tags": [
"type": "ir",
"scopes": [
"content": {
"title": "Major new solar farm in southern Sweden enters operation",
"slug": "major-new-solar-farm-in-southern-sweden-enters-operation",
"publish_date": "2022-07-07T06:30:00Z",
"html": "<div class=\"mfn-body\"><p><strong>One of Sweden’s largest solar farms, located near Åhus in Skåne, has now entered operation. It is the size of 8 football pitches and produces approximately 8 GWh of electricity a year, which is enough to power 1,600 houses. The investment is a joint initiative between Nolato, electricity company Bixia and solar energy company Alight.</strong></p><p><strong>Important step towards ambitious sustainability target</strong><strong><br/></strong><br/>The operational startup of the solar farm marks a further step for Nolato towards achieving its ambitious sustainability target. Cutting greenhouse gas emissions from our own business operations is a top priority for Nolato, and investing in renewable electricity generated from the sun and wind, optimizing goods transportation, reducing waste, cutting use of materials and using more renewable raw materials are all examples of action we are taking to achieve our target, which is to reduce our CO2 emissions by 80% by 2025.</p><p>“It’s fantastic that the agreement we concluded last year is now starting to generate energy for our production facilities. Besides producing our own renewable electricity, reducing our environmental impact and securing some of our energy needs, we are also shielding ourselves from volatility in the electricity market for the period of the contract,” said Glenn Svedberg, Director of Sustainable Affairs at Nolato.</p><p>Construction of the solar farm began last autumn and the project came about via a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) between Nolato, Bixia and solar PPA provider Alight. The agreement means that Alight will develop, own and operate the facility, while Nolato, via electricity trading partner Bixia, undertakes to purchase all the electricity produced by the farm for a minimum of ten years. Bixia has been managing Nolato’s energy portfolio, which is entirely renewable, for many years.</p><p>“The electricity produced by the solar farm accounts for roughly 15% of Nolato’s annual consumption in Sweden. Including a solar farm in the customer’s price-hedging strategy adds considerable value. It’s a long-term and attractive price-hedging approach and it boosts renewable generation in southern Sweden, where there is a power generation deficit,” noted Marcus Annell, Head of Financial Trading at Bixia.</p><p>“We’re delighted about our partnership with Nolato and Bixia, which has facilitated the expansion of new green energy in Sweden. This project is leading the way for industry towards more sustainable energy production, and showing that it’s possible in just one year to go from decision to a completed, large-scale solar farm that secures electricity needs for the long term,” said Harald Överholm, CEO at Alight.</p></div>\n<div class=\"mfn-footer mfn-75974c5a1e5f\"><p><strong class=\"mfn-heading-1\">Contact</strong></p><hr/><p>Glenn Svedberg, Director of Sustainable Affairs, Nolato Group, +46 701 910419</p></div>\n<div class=\"mfn-footer mfn-about mfn-3b308a4d228b\"><p><strong class=\"mfn-heading-1\">About Us</strong></p><hr/><p><em>Nolato is a Swedish group with operations in Europe, Asia, and North America. We develop and manufacture products in polymer materials such as plastic, silicone and TPE for leading customers within medical technology, pharmaceuticals, consumer electronics, telecom, automotive, hygiene and other selected industrial sectors. Nolato’s shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm in the Large Cap segment, where they are included in the Industrials sector. </em><em><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"></a></em></p></div>\n<div class=\"mfn-footer mfn-attachment mfn-attachment-image\"><p><strong class=\"mfn-heading-1\">Image Attachments</strong></p><hr/><p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">Åhus Solar Farm</a><br/><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">Glenn Svedberg Director Sustainable Affairs Nolato</a><br/><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">Harald Överholm Alight</a><br/><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">Marcus Annell Bixia</a></p></div>\n<div class=\"mfn-footer mfn-attachment mfn-attachment-general\"><p><strong class=\"mfn-heading-1\">Attachments</strong></p><hr/><p><a href=\"\" class=\"mfn-generated mfn-primary\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">Major new solar farm in southern Sweden enters operation</a></p></div>",
"text": "\n\nOne of Sweden’s largest solar farms, located near Åhus in Skåne, has now\nentered operation. It is the size of 8 football pitches and produces\napproximately 8 GWh of electricity a year, which is enough to power 1,600\nhouses. The investment is a joint initiative between Nolato, electricity\ncompany Bixia and solar energy company Alight.\n\nImportant step towards ambitious sustainability target\n\nThe operational startup of the solar farm marks a further step for Nolato\ntowards achieving its ambitious sustainability target. Cutting greenhouse gas\nemissions from our own business operations is a top priority for Nolato, and\ninvesting in renewable electricity generated from the sun and wind, optimizing\ngoods transportation, reducing waste, cutting use of materials and using more\nrenewable raw materials are all examples of action we are taking to achieve\nour target, which is to reduce our CO2 emissions by 80% by 2025.\n\n“It’s fantastic that the agreement we concluded last year is now starting to\ngenerate energy for our production facilities. Besides producing our own\nrenewable electricity, reducing our environmental impact and securing some of\nour energy needs, we are also shielding ourselves from volatility in the\nelectricity market for the period of the contract,” said Glenn Svedberg,\nDirector of Sustainable Affairs at Nolato.\n\nConstruction of the solar farm began last autumn and the project came about\nvia a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) between Nolato, Bixia and solar PPA\nprovider Alight. The agreement means that Alight will develop, own and operate\nthe facility, while Nolato, via electricity trading partner Bixia, undertakes\nto purchase all the electricity produced by the farm for a minimum of ten\nyears. Bixia has been managing Nolato’s energy portfolio, which is entirely\nrenewable, for many years.\n\n“The electricity produced by the solar farm accounts for roughly 15% of\nNolato’s annual consumption in Sweden. Including a solar farm in the\ncustomer’s price-hedging strategy adds considerable value. It’s a long-term\nand attractive price-hedging approach and it boosts renewable generation in\nsouthern Sweden, where there is a power generation deficit,” noted Marcus\nAnnell, Head of Financial Trading at Bixia.\n\n“We’re delighted about our partnership with Nolato and Bixia, which has\nfacilitated the expansion of new green energy in Sweden. This project is\nleading the way for industry towards more sustainable energy production, and\nshowing that it’s possible in just one year to go from decision to a\ncompleted, large-scale solar farm that secures electricity needs for the long\nterm,” said Harald Överholm, CEO at Alight.\n\nContact\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nGlenn Svedberg, Director of Sustainable Affairs, Nolato Group, +46 701 910419\n\nAbout Us\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNolato is a Swedish group with operations in Europe, Asia, and North America.\nWe develop and manufacture products in polymer materials such as plastic,\nsilicone and TPE for leading customers within medical technology,\npharmaceuticals, consumer electronics, telecom, automotive, hygiene and other\nselected industrial sectors. Nolato’s shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm in\nthe Large Cap segment, where they are included in the Industrials sector.\n (\n\nImage Attachments\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nÅhus Solar Farm\n(\nGlenn Svedberg Director Sustainable Affairs Nolato\n(\nHarald Överholm Alight\n(\nMarcus Annell Bixia\n(\n\nAttachments\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nMajor new solar farm in southern Sweden enters operation\n(",
"attachments": [
"file_title": "Major new solar farm in southern Sweden enters operation",
"content_type": "application/pdf",
"url": "",
"tags": [
"file_title": "Åhus Solar Farm",
"content_type": "image/jpeg",
"url": "",
"tags": []
"file_title": "Glenn Svedberg Director Sustainable Affairs Nolato",
"content_type": "image/jpeg",
"url": "",
"tags": []
"file_title": "Harald Överholm Alight",
"content_type": "image/jpeg",
"url": "",
"tags": []
"file_title": "Marcus Annell Bixia",
"content_type": "image/jpeg",
"url": "",
"tags": []
"extensions": {},
"source": "mfn"
XML Example
<ticker>XSTO:NOLA B</ticker>
<ticker>XSTO:NOLA B</ticker>
<title>Major new solar farm in southern Sweden enters operation</title>
<![CDATA[ <div class="mfn-body"><p><strong>One of Sweden’s largest solar farms, located near Åhus in Skåne, has now entered operation. It is the size of 8 football pitches and produces approximately 8 GWh of electricity a year, which is enough to power 1,600 houses. The investment is a joint initiative between Nolato, electricity company Bixia and solar energy company Alight.</strong></p><p><strong>Important step towards ambitious sustainability target</strong><strong><br/></strong><br/>The operational startup of the solar farm marks a further step for Nolato towards achieving its ambitious sustainability target. Cutting greenhouse gas emissions from our own business operations is a top priority for Nolato, and investing in renewable electricity generated from the sun and wind, optimizing goods transportation, reducing waste, cutting use of materials and using more renewable raw materials are all examples of action we are taking to achieve our target, which is to reduce our CO2 emissions by 80% by 2025.</p><p>“It’s fantastic that the agreement we concluded last year is now starting to generate energy for our production facilities. Besides producing our own renewable electricity, reducing our environmental impact and securing some of our energy needs, we are also shielding ourselves from volatility in the electricity market for the period of the contract,” said Glenn Svedberg, Director of Sustainable Affairs at Nolato.</p><p>Construction of the solar farm began last autumn and the project came about via a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) between Nolato, Bixia and solar PPA provider Alight. The agreement means that Alight will develop, own and operate the facility, while Nolato, via electricity trading partner Bixia, undertakes to purchase all the electricity produced by the farm for a minimum of ten years. Bixia has been managing Nolato’s energy portfolio, which is entirely renewable, for many years.</p><p>“The electricity produced by the solar farm accounts for roughly 15% of Nolato’s annual consumption in Sweden. Including a solar farm in the customer’s price-hedging strategy adds considerable value. It’s a long-term and attractive price-hedging approach and it boosts renewable generation in southern Sweden, where there is a power generation deficit,” noted Marcus Annell, Head of Financial Trading at Bixia.</p><p>“We’re delighted about our partnership with Nolato and Bixia, which has facilitated the expansion of new green energy in Sweden. This project is leading the way for industry towards more sustainable energy production, and showing that it’s possible in just one year to go from decision to a completed, large-scale solar farm that secures electricity needs for the long term,” said Harald Överholm, CEO at Alight.</p></div> <div class="mfn-footer mfn-75974c5a1e5f"><p><strong class="mfn-heading-1">Contact</strong></p><hr/><p>Glenn Svedberg, Director of Sustainable Affairs, Nolato Group, +46 701 910419</p></div> <div class="mfn-footer mfn-about mfn-3b308a4d228b"><p><strong class="mfn-heading-1">About Us</strong></p><hr/><p><em>Nolato is a Swedish group with operations in Europe, Asia, and North America. We develop and manufacture products in polymer materials such as plastic, silicone and TPE for leading customers within medical technology, pharmaceuticals, consumer electronics, telecom, automotive, hygiene and other selected industrial sectors. Nolato’s shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm in the Large Cap segment, where they are included in the Industrials sector. </em><em><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener"></a></em></p></div> <div class="mfn-footer mfn-attachment mfn-attachment-image"><p><strong class="mfn-heading-1">Image Attachments</strong></p><hr/><p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">Åhus Solar Farm</a><br/><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">Glenn Svedberg Director Sustainable Affairs Nolato</a><br/><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">Harald Överholm Alight</a><br/><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">Marcus Annell Bixia</a></p></div> <div class="mfn-footer mfn-attachment mfn-attachment-general"><p><strong class="mfn-heading-1">Attachments</strong></p><hr/><p><a href="" class="mfn-generated mfn-primary" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">Major new solar farm in southern Sweden enters operation</a></p></div> ]]>
<![CDATA[ One of Sweden’s largest solar farms, located near Åhus in Skåne, has now entered operation. It is the size of 8 football pitches and produces approximately 8 GWh of electricity a year, which is enough to power 1,600 houses. The investment is a joint initiative between Nolato, electricity company Bixia and solar energy company Alight. Important step towards ambitious sustainability target The operational startup of the solar farm marks a further step for Nolato towards achieving its ambitious sustainability target. Cutting greenhouse gas emissions from our own business operations is a top priority for Nolato, and investing in renewable electricity generated from the sun and wind, optimizing goods transportation, reducing waste, cutting use of materials and using more renewable raw materials are all examples of action we are taking to achieve our target, which is to reduce our CO2 emissions by 80% by 2025. “It’s fantastic that the agreement we concluded last year is now starting to generate energy for our production facilities. Besides producing our own renewable electricity, reducing our environmental impact and securing some of our energy needs, we are also shielding ourselves from volatility in the electricity market for the period of the contract,” said Glenn Svedberg, Director of Sustainable Affairs at Nolato. Construction of the solar farm began last autumn and the project came about via a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) between Nolato, Bixia and solar PPA provider Alight. The agreement means that Alight will develop, own and operate the facility, while Nolato, via electricity trading partner Bixia, undertakes to purchase all the electricity produced by the farm for a minimum of ten years. Bixia has been managing Nolato’s energy portfolio, which is entirely renewable, for many years. “The electricity produced by the solar farm accounts for roughly 15% of Nolato’s annual consumption in Sweden. Including a solar farm in the customer’s price-hedging strategy adds considerable value. It’s a long-term and attractive price-hedging approach and it boosts renewable generation in southern Sweden, where there is a power generation deficit,” noted Marcus Annell, Head of Financial Trading at Bixia. “We’re delighted about our partnership with Nolato and Bixia, which has facilitated the expansion of new green energy in Sweden. This project is leading the way for industry towards more sustainable energy production, and showing that it’s possible in just one year to go from decision to a completed, large-scale solar farm that secures electricity needs for the long term,” said Harald Överholm, CEO at Alight. Contact ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Glenn Svedberg, Director of Sustainable Affairs, Nolato Group, +46 701 910419 About Us ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nolato is a Swedish group with operations in Europe, Asia, and North America. We develop and manufacture products in polymer materials such as plastic, silicone and TPE for leading customers within medical technology, pharmaceuticals, consumer electronics, telecom, automotive, hygiene and other selected industrial sectors. Nolato’s shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm in the Large Cap segment, where they are included in the Industrials sector. ( Image Attachments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Åhus Solar Farm ( Glenn Svedberg Director Sustainable Affairs Nolato ( Harald Överholm Alight ( Marcus Annell Bixia ( Attachments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Major new solar farm in southern Sweden enters operation ( ]]>
<fileTitle>Major new solar farm in southern Sweden enters operation</fileTitle>
<fileTitle>Åhus Solar Farm</fileTitle>
<fileTitle>Glenn Svedberg Director Sustainable Affairs Nolato</fileTitle>
<fileTitle>Harald Överholm Alight</fileTitle>
<fileTitle>Marcus Annell Bixia</fileTitle>