Filtering the newsfeed

For IR News, it is mandatory to include the possibility to screen out Regulatory press releases from Non-regulatory releases. We categorize all regulatory press releases in Wordpress with the tag: mfn-regulatory. Our widget will also understand the shorthand "regulatory".

With our News feed widget, there are three ways to 'screen out' what type of news it will display:

1 - Built in filtering

You can activate built in filter (by Category and by Year) by adding these parameters to the shortcode:

[mfn_news_feed_widget showfilter=true filtertype=dropdown showyears=true yearstype=dropdown]

2 - Filter by tags

Our News feed shortcode has the parameter tags=, with which you can screen out specific type of news.

Eg. listing only regulatory releases, from year 2021:

[mfn_news_feed_widget tags=regulatory year=2021]

Eg. listing only non-regulatory releases, from year 2021:

[mfn_news_feed_widget tags=-regulatory year=2021]

Eg. listing only IR releases:

[mfn_news_feed_widget tags=type-ir]

Eg. listing only PR releases:

[mfn_news_feed_widget tags=type-pr]

This enables you to have different instances of the news feed with different types of filter. If you in your code programmatically load the widget you have the possibility dynamically send in filter options.

3 - With query params

By adding query params to the website URL, you are able to control what type of news our News feed widget will display. Our widget currently supports these query parameters:

m-tags, m-year and m-page

m-tags is used to filter on specific tags in the news feed.

Eg. screen out only regulatory releases:

Eg. screen out only non-regulatory releases:

m-tags=regulatory,report read as regulatory AND report or m-tags=report,-report-annual read as report AND NOT report-annual

m-year is used to show a specific year of the news feed. eg. m-year=2021 or m-year=2018

m-page is used to paginate the news feed. eg. m-page=0 m-page=1 m-page=2.

This can now be put together eg. showing page 2 of all regulatory stories sent 2017 ?m-page=1&m-year=2017&m-tags=regulatory.

Additionally, you can filter on only news items of a specific type with &m-tags=type-pr or &m-tags=type-ir. This comes in handy if you want to separate PR from IR news into separate feeds.

Last updated