
We recommend that the widgets below are short coded into a page.

Another way is to programmatically load in the widget shortcode in a post or page template (https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/do_shortcode/).

Even though it is possible to affect most configurations by sending in parameters directly in the shortcode of the widgets, other plugins such as https://wordpress.org/plugins/amr-shortcode-any-widget/ allowing for multiple instances and configurations, might be a helpful alternative when you have different pages for different languages.

All widgets are left quite spars when it comes to styling so we recommend that you to style them yourself with CSS to fit your theme.

MFN News feed

This widget creates a news room to display all the news. It can be configured only to show specific tags along the the title. You can also template the different sections.

Shortcode example

[mfn_news_feed_widget lang=all showthumbnail=true showfilter=true filtertags='regulatory,-regulatory,report-interim,report-annual' showyears=true yearstype=dropdown showpreview=true previewlen=150 pagelen=10 skipcustomtags=true groupbyyear=true showpagination=true onlytagsallowed=regulatory,regulatory-mar]



lang The selected language of the news items, default is "en"set"all"to list releases of all languages or set"auto"to let the plugin try to figure out what lang is used

sv or en orfi, all or auto

year Filter news list by a specific year

2020 eg.

showyears Show the year filter section above the news list

true or false or 1 or 0

yearstype Filtering style for year

links or dropdown

showfilter Show category filter section above the news list

true or false or 1 or 0

filtertype Filtering style for category

buttons or dropdown

filtertags Customize the category filter tags (Comma separated) *Works only for filtertype=dropdown

'regulatory,-regulatory,report-interim,report-annual' eg.

groupbyyear Group news items by year

true or false or 1 or 0

showpagination Show pagination, default false

true or false or 1 or 0

showpreview Show preview excerpt of a news item, default false

true or false or 1 or 0

pagelen Number of news items to show per page, default 20


previewlen Amount of characters to show of the preview excerpt, shows a maximum of 250 characters


tags Tags comma separated, to filter on.

You can also screen out just non-regulatory press

releases by entering:-regulatory

or show items of a specific type withtype-pr or type-ir


onlytagsallowed Tags comma separated, limits which tags to be shown in the news items list, if false no tags will be shown

mfn-regulatory,mfn-regulatory-mar, false

skipcustomtags Will prevent showing custom tags in the news list, default false

true or false or 1 or 0

timestampformat Set the timestamp format of the publish date, default 'Y-m-d H:i'

'd M, Y H:i' eg.

tzlocation Set the timezone location for the publish date, default 'Europe/Stockholm'(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones)

'Europe/Tallinn' eg.

disclaimertag Used to trigger a redirect to a 'disclaimer wall' URL (when clicking the title of the release in the list) if the release includes the specific tag

eg. mfn-cus-disclaimer

disclaimerurl The URL to redirect to which has the disclaimer wall (usually the relative url of an IPO-page)

eg /ipo

showthumbnail Displays a thumbnail below the title (of the featured image)

true or false or 1 or 0

thumbnailsize Override the default size of the thumbnail, default is full_size

thumbnail or medium ormedium_large or large or full_size

shownotfound Will display a "Not Found" message when filtering yields no results

true or false or 1 or 0

fromyear Set "from year" for the desired period

2017 eg.

forcelocale Forces the language of the news feed to be in the set language, independent of the language in wordpress

sv or en

If you would like to customize the HTML or add a specific class to the news item you can use the template parameter to ad your custom HTML template into the shortcode:

Custom news item template example

[mfn_news_feed_widget template='<div class="mfn-item"><div class="mfn-title"><a href="{{url}}">{{title}}</a></div><div class="mfn-date">{{date}}</div><div class="mfn-tags">{{tags}}</div><div class="mfn-preview">{{preview}}</div><span><a href="{{url}}">Read More <i class="icon-button-arrow"></i></a></span></div>']

The same is possible for the tag list or year list:

Custom tag template example

[mfn_news_feed_widget tagtemplate='<span class="mfn-tag mfn-tag-{{slug}}">{{tag}}</span>']

Custom year template example

[mfn_news_feed_widget yeartemplate='<span class="mfn-year-header mfn-year mfn-year-header-{{year}}"><a href="{{url}}" class="mfn-year-header-link mfn-year-header-link-{{year}}">{{year}}</a></span>']

Custom thumbnail template example

[mfn_news_feed_widget showthumbnail=true template='<div class="mfn-item">{{thumbnail}}<div class="mfn-title"><a href="{{url}}">{{title}}</a></div><div class="mfn-date">{{date}}</div><div class="mfn-tags">{{tags}}</div><div class="mfn-preview">{{preview}}</div><span><a href="{{url}}">Read More <i class="icon-button-arrow"></i></a></span></div>']

MFN Report Archive

MFN Report Archive V2

In our plugin release v0.0.58, we've added a new Report Archive V2 widget which uses our new Report Archive API.

Our new API makes it possible for us to deliver a more extensive archive which supports different types of media (except for just the PDF), for example video, audio, webcast-link etc. The main difference is that the widget loads in the report archive externally. We set up the archive template and settings initially in our backend (per project) and then deliver a widget id.

Shortcode example

[mfn_archive_v2_widget widget_id='your-archive-widget-id-here' lang=sv]

The widget_id is a specific ID for a widget that is externally maintained by MFN. It will be provided to you by your MFN technical contact.



widget_id The widget id / token

{Provided by MFN)

lang The language of the reports to be listed. Default is "en,"

sv or en orfi

MFN Report Archive (Deprecated)

Do not use unless your wordpress plugin is version 0.0.57 or prior.

This widget creates an archive for financial reports. It is configurable and supports fiscal year offset, generic titles (eg. Interim Q1 2019) as well as displaying a thumbnails of the reports in the archive.

Shortcode example

[mfn_archive_widget showfilter=true showthumbnail=true showyear=true]



showfilter Show the filter section, default: false

true or false or 1 or 0

showdate Show the date, default: false

true or false or 1 or 0

showyear Show the year, default: false

true or false or 1 or 0

fromyear Set "from year" for the desired period

2017 .eg

toyear Set "to year" for the desired period

2021 .eg

showheading Show the heading, default false

true or false or 1 or 0

showthumbnail Show report thumbnail image, default false

true or false or 1 or 0

showgenerictitle Show a generic title (Instead of the title of the report), default false

true or false or 1 or 0

usefiscalyear Enable fiscal year period support, default true

true or false or 1 or 0

usefiscalyearoffset Offset for the fiscal year period

1 .eg

useproxiedattachments Use cached attachments for thumbnails if available, default true

true or false or 1 or 0

lang Set the language of the reports, default "en"set"auto"to let the plugin try to figure out what lang is used

sv or en orfi or auto

limit Limit number of reports to show, default 500

20 .eg

offset Drop X number of items from start of the list

1 eg. (skips the latest report)

MFN Subscription Widget

The subscription widget enables users to easily add a subscription form that makes it possible for visitors of the website to sign up, to receive emails with the latest press releases.

Shortcode example

[mfn_subscription_widget widget_id='your-subscription-widget-id-here']

Thewidget_id is a specific ID for a widget that is externally maintained by MFN. It will be provided to you by your MFN technical contact.



widget_id The widget id / token

{Provided by MFN)

lang The language of the subscription widget. Default is "en" and "auto" lets the plugin figure out what language is used

sv or en orfi or auto

Last updated