

Endpoint for fetching Archive Events. An archive event can be described as a a company event that contains archive items. Typically an archive event is connected to a financial report press release. But doesn't have to be.

Example of archive events with archive items:

  • Annual Report [annual,2020]

    • Report (PDF) (English)

    • Årsredovisning (PDF) (Swedish)

    • Financial Data (XLSX) (Swedish)

    • Presentation (PDF/PPTX) (Swedish)

    • ...

  • Interim Report Q4 [interim,q4,2020]

    • Kvartalsrapport Q4 (PDF) (Swedish)

    • ...

Note that an archive event can contains archive items of different languages, and may not contain a language version for each type of archive item.

Language fallback

The archive API can be filtered by language by using the lang query param (described below). Which makes the API only show items of this language. But for example as seen in the example above if the company only makes their Q4 reports in Swedish. You may have to show them on your English language site anyway.

By using the lang-fallback query param you may specify which languages to fallback to, if the selected lang chosen by the lang query param is missing for an item type.

So a typical language fallback setup for an English archive would fetch events with the following query params to fallback to Swedish incase English is missing for a specific archive event type (report-pdf, presentation, podcast, etc).


Get archive event feed (Hint: expand for details)


Returns a feed of press archive items filtered by the query params. Available in both JSON (default) and XML formats. Use .json or .xml to select format.

Path Parameters

Query Parameters

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