Demo Data
Only works before until the customer has sent their first real release
There is an inject endpoint that you can use to inject somewhat random press releases into the feed. Which can be used to simulate a press release going out.
We can also pre-fill the feed with a few years random of demo data. That also contains properly tagged Financial Reports.
Use cases
Feed is empty, since perhaps the customer is an IPO
Testing WebSub subscription
HTTP Posthooks
Wordpress Plugin Subscription
Inject Demo News Item
You can inject demo News Items into your feed by posting to the following endpoint. Injects a somewhat random demo press release into the feed. Only works before until the customer has sent their first real release.
Path Parameters
Typically this has the same value as the primaryfeed_id
in the API, but if you received multiple feed_id's only the main feed will be used for injecting demo news items.
Query Parameters
Choose the type
of the press release to inject
[ ir | pr ]
Choose language
[ en | sv | fi ]
Command line example using curl
To inject multiple press releases with the same groupe_id, add languages separeted with commas. Avalible languages are "en,sv,fi,no,zh,fr,de,da,pl,nl,lb,et,lv,lt,es"
See Language Codes to know which one the available languages represent.
Multiple press releases with the same group_id simulate when a company sends the same press release in different languages. This makes the releases receive the same groupe ID
To specify tags and type for press releases to inject look at the following inject example. Two tags need to be specified and coma separated. "type" is a quary param and takes "ir"(investor relation) or "pr"(public relation) as an argument.
Last updated
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