The MFN Loader is a script that loads in the MFN news feed for a customer from our On-Demand API. It enables you to configure and easily customize the design of the news feed, and it has several filtering options, tags, locale/language support and built in pagination.
Getting started
To quickly get started with the integration you can fetch our pre-made integration template here that already has a default CSS stylesheet setup which you can to start from:
Download the zip package from the link above and extract the content
assets (Folder)
css (Folder)
archive.css (Report archive CSS file)
general.css (General CSS styles)
list.css (List view CSS file)
single.css (Single view CSS file)
png (Folder containing some example icons)
themes (Folder containing CSS themes)
default (Folder)
flat (Folder)
grid (Folder)
disclaimer.html (A customizable Disclaimer template)
list.html (HTML template with configuration options for the news list)
list_flat.html (HTML template with configuration options for the news list)
list_grid.html (HTML template with configuration options for the news list)
list_multi.html (A template with multiple instances of a news list)
single.html (HTML template with configuration options for a single news item)
Then edit both list.html and single.html and replace the text <FEED_ID> with your Feed ID which you received from us
Enter your own single_view_url (Path to the page where a single view version has been implemented) in list.html
Upload the files to your server (remote or locally)
Go https://<your_server>/list.html to view the example integration
Now you should see a list of the news items and can proceed with configuring, tailoring and styling the integration. The process is described in detail further down in this documentation.
In order to use the loader you will need to implement and configure two HTML template files:
list.html (The file that handles configuration for the news feed list page and what information/elements will be rendered)
single.html (The file that handles configuration for a single news item
In the list.html template configuration (Which is the main file) you define the path to the HTML file of the single news item template, this would be 'single.html'.
Below we provide the HTML code to the files that implements the loader.
list.html (Example)
(HTML template for the list view)
<!-- The container where the content will end up -->
<div id="container"></div>
<script type="application/javascript">
// Implements the MFN Loader javascript file
if (!window._MFN) {
var s = document.createElement("script");
s.type = "text/javascript";
s.src = "";
s.async = true;
window._MFN = {
// Element where the news feed should end up
outlet: '#container',
// Default language of the news items shown
lang: 'all',
// Filter feed on type: "all", ir", "pr"
type_filter: "all",
// 'selected' uses locale from lang, other options are 'en', 'sv' eg.
// and so on
l10nLang: 'sv',
// The type of view
type: 'listview',
// Base domain of feed request, used to change target between live or stage environment
// Optional, default is
// baseUrl: '',
// Feed ID, provided by MFN
feed_id: '<FEED_ID>',
// Path to the page where a single view version has been implemented
single_view_url: 'single.html',
// Enable if you want to activate a disclaimer page for news items
// of a specific tag
//disclaimer_redirect_tag: 'cus:disclaimer',
//disclaimer_redirect_url: 'disclaimer.html',
// Default limit of items shown
limit: 10,
// Adds a summary of the article
show_summary: true,
// Set preferred length of the summary, default: 250
// summary_len: 100,
// Cut length of summary to 'summary_len'
// good if you want to prevent long text, eg Disclaimer
summary_cut: true,
// 'default' (:regulatory, sub:report:interim, sub:report:annual)
// or add your own eg [{tag: ':regulatory'}]
show_tags: [{tag: ':regulatory'},{tag: 'sub:report:interim'},{tag: 'sub:report:annual'}],
// Show attachments
show_attachments: true,
// Enable clickable tags
clickable_tags: true,
// Toolbar
// Note: you can hide the toolbar by uncommenting it, and instead perhaps use 'tags' below for a default filter
toolbar: [
// show search
item: 'search',
// if true an Ajax search is added to the search bar
live_search: true,
// the debounce time for the ajax search if enabled
live_search_delay: 300,
// save space by combining search field, search button and clear button
slim_mode: false,
// auto hides the clear button
auto_hide_clear_button: true
// 'default' or [{tag: ':regulatory'},
// {tag: 'sub:report:interim'}] etc.
{item: 'category', tags: 'default'},
{item: 'year', start: 2010},
{item: 'lang', languages: ['sv', 'en']},
{item: 'clear'}
// Shows for example 'All (Categories)' in select inputs (Default)
show_select_info: true,
// Filter feed by the following tags
// Typical use cases:
// * Setting the default filtering in the toolbar
// * For custom 'listview' without a toolbar where you want to choose what to filter by in code
// tags: [':regulatory'],
// Your own local to override text selection or add for
// other l10n languages (For the toolbar text and tags)
l10n: {
'Search': {
sv: 'Sök',
en: 'Search'
'Search placeholder': {
sv: 'Sök',
en: 'Search'
// Show additional filter info, default: false
show_info: true,
// Show not found element, default: false
show_notfound: true,
// Override default 'not found' element
// notfound_tmpl: {
// sv: '<div class="mfn-notfound"><span>Kunde inte hitta några nyhetsartiklar.</span></div>',// en: '<div class="mfn-notfound"><span>Couldn\'t find any news articles.</span></div>',
// },
// Should most likely be true (Enables proxy attachments)
use_proxied_attachment_urls: true,
// Shows the date
show_date: true,
hide_date_field: false,
hide_time_field: false,
date_time_separator: " ",
// Show read more link
show_read_more: true,
// Example of configuring locale and time zone,
// Swedish timezone is default if date_setting is not set
// date_setting: {
// // eg. for US: 'en-US',
// locale: 'sv-SE',
// option: {
// // or 'long', 'short',
// month: 'numeric',
// // or '2-digit',
// year: 'numeric',
// // or '2-digit',
// day: 'numeric',
// // eg. 'America/New_York'
// timeZone: 'Europe/Stockholm'
// }
// },
// If you want to implement your own custom date formatter
// you can add your own function
// format_date: function(date) {
// return date.toLocaleTimeString('sv-SE', {
// month: 'long',
// year: 'numeric',
// day: 'numeric',
// timeZone: 'Europe/Stockholm'
// });
// },
// Example of implementing your own HTML for a news item
// post_processor: function(current, item) {
// console.log(item);
// return '<div>' + item.content.title + '</div>';
// }
(HTML template for single view)
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<!-- Leave empty and the MFN Loader will dynamically -->
<!-- fill in the title and description -->
<meta name="description" content="" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="themes/default/single.css" />
<div id="wrapper">
<!-- The container where the content will end up -->
<div id="container"></div>
<script type="application/javascript">
// Implements the MFN Loader javascript file
if (!window._MFN) {
var s = document.createElement("script");
s.type = "text/javascript";
s.src = "";
s.async = true;
window._MFN = {
// The selector of the element where the content of the
// single news item should end up
outlet: '#container',
// The type of view
type: 'singleview',
// Default language of the news item shown
lang: 'all',
// 'selected' uses locale from lang, other options are 'en', 'sv' eg.
// and so on
l10nLang: 'sv',
// Feed ID, provided by MFN
feed_id: '<FEED_ID>',
// Show timestamp and edit format
show_date: true,
hide_date_field: false,
hide_time_field: false,
date_time_separator: ' ',
// Show primary image
show_primary_image: true,
// Optionally add a prefix to the tab title (Meta description)
title_prefix: 'Press release / ',
// Example of configuring locale and time zone,
// Swedish timezone is default if date_setting is not set
// date_setting: {
// locale: 'sv-SE', // eg. for US 'en-US'
// option: {
// month: 'numeric', // or 'long', 'short'
// year: 'numeric', // or '2-digit'
// day: 'numeric', // or '2-digit'
// timeZone: 'Europe/Stockholm' // eg. 'America/New_York'
// }
// },
// If you want to implement your own custom date formatter
// you can add your own function
// format_date: function(date) {
// return date.toLocaleTimeString('sv-SE', {
// month: 'long',
// year: 'numeric',
// day: 'numeric',
// timeZone: 'Europe/Stockholm'
// });
// },
// Example of implementing your own HTML for a news item
// post_processor: function(current, item) {
// console.log(item)
// return '<div>' + item.content.title + '</div>'
// },
// 'default' or eg [{tag: ':regulatory'}]
show_tags: [{tag: ':regulatory'},{tag: 'sub:report:interim'},{tag: 'sub:report:annual'}],
// Should most likely be true
use_proxied_attachment_urls: true,
// show sattachments from API
// if true make sure .mfn-hide{ display: none } is applied to avoid double attachments footers
show_attachments: false,
// if attachments should be displayed as thumbnails (Default as links)
// (To ensure high quality thumbnails on high resolution devices, we recommend using max size using CSS)
show_attachment_thumbnail: true,
// Enable if you want block the 'singleview' and instead to forward to the 'disclaimer' page
// when the user tries to visit the 'singleview' page without first approving the disclaimer
//disclaimer_redirect_tag: 'cus:disclaimer',
//disclaimer_redirect_url: 'disclaimer.html',
The MFN Loader gives you a flexible way to implement your news feed into a div element on your page. There are many customization options available for you in order to setup the feed as you like. Below we list the different options available.
List options
outlet (The selector of the element where the content of the news archive should end up)
eg. #container
l10nLang (The set language used by the loader itself)
eg. selected or en,sv
type (The type of view)
eg listview
baseUrl(Define domain of feed request)
feed_id (The Feed ID which we have provided)
eg. c00f2147-e959-6d39-c36c-93f23051e24c
single_view_url (Path to the page where a single view version has been implemented)
eg. single-view.html
disclaimer_redirect_tag (Tag that triggers opening disclaimer template, when clicking on press release)
usually: cus:disclaimer
disclaimer_redirect_url (The URL for the disclaimer template)
eg. disclaimer.html
lang (Default language of the news items shown)
eg. sv
limit (Default limit of amount of items shown)
eg. 20
show_summary (Shows a preamble/summary of the article)
true or false
summary_len (Set preferred length of the summary, default: 250)
eg. 100
summary_cut (Limit length of summary to 'summary_len')
true or false
show_tags (Define which tags to be shown)
eg. default or [{tag: ':regulatory'}]
tags (Define which tags to be filtered on)
eg. [':regulatory']
show_attachments (Show attachments)
trueor false
clickable_tags (If the tags in the list should be clickable)
true or false
toolbar (An array with objects of toolbar items)
See section Toolbar
l10n (Your own translations, to override text selection or add for other l10n languages)
eg. { 'Search': { en: 'Search', sv: 'Sök' } }
show_info (Show additional filter info above the news list)
true or false
show_notfound (Show 'not found' element if filter yield no results)
category (Show category/tags select dropdown, use default tags or set specific categories/tags to be in the list)
year (Show year select dropdown, set start year which will populate a list until the current year)
lang (Show language select dropdown, define languages to be in the dropdown)
clear (Show clear button)
// Toolbar
// Note: you can hide the toolbar by uncommenting it, and instead perhaps use 'tags' below for a default filter
toolbar: [
// show search
item: 'search',
// if true an Ajax search is added to the search bar
live_search: true,
// the debounce time for the ajax search if enabled
live_search_delay: 300,
// save space by combining search field, search button and clear button
slim_mode: false,
// auto hides the clear button
auto_hide_clear_button: true
// 'default' or [{tag: ':regulatory'},
// {tag: 'sub:report:interim'}] etc.
{item: 'category', items: 'default'},
{item: 'year', start: 2010},
{item: 'lang', languages: ['sv', 'en']},
{item: 'clear'}
You can create your own translations and add several languages for the labels of items in the toolbar, as shown in example below. If not set, it will use our default translations.
// Your own locale to override text selection or add for other l10n languages
l10n: {
'Search': {
en: 'Search',
sv: 'Sök',
Date configuration
You can configure locale and time zone for the date or add a custom date formatter, as in the below example.
// Example of configuring locale and time zone
// Swedish timezone is default if date_setting is not set
date_setting : {
locale: 'sv-SE', // eg. for US 'en-US'
option: {
month: 'short', // or 'long', 'short'
year: 'numeric', // or '2-digit'
day: 'numeric', // or '2-digit'
timeZone: 'Europe/London' // eg. 'America/New_York'
time_setting: {
locale: 'sv-SE',
option: {
hour: '2-digit',
minute: '2-digit',
hour12: false, // 12-hour clock format
timeZone: 'Europe/London'
// If you want to implement your own custom date formatter
// you can add your own function
format_date: function(date) {
return date.toLocaleTimeString('sv-SE', {
month: 'long',
year: 'numeric',
day: 'numeric',
timeZone: 'Europe/Stockholm'
(Read the reference here**to learn more about setting up toLocaleTimeString**)
Post processing
If you would like to implement your own HTML for a news item into the DOM you can use the post processor as shown below.
// Example of implementing your own html for a news item
post_processor: function(current, item){
return '<div>' + item.content.title + '</div>'
The post processor can also be used for just reordering or modifying the already generated DOM for the item as shown in this example that simply swaps the order of the title and the date.
post_processor: function(current, item) {
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = current;
var d = div.querySelector('.mfn-date');
var t = div.querySelector('.mfn-title');
return div.innerHTML;
Styling / Themes
As all elements has classes with name convention starting with 'mfn-', it is easy to add your own CSS to change the look of the news list and a single news item, to match your current website theme and design.
We also provide a couple of CSS themes for the List template, to make it easier to choose the right direction style-wise when integrating the MFN Loader:
Default (is used in list.html)
Flat (Theme which is optimised for minimalistic design which is content focused, is used in list_flat.html)
Grid (Theme which is optimised for a PR-view with images, is used in list_grid.html)
Feel free to use our styling, but don't forget to add the company's graphical profile!
The loader has a built-in pagination, and 'Previous' and 'Next' buttons are visible depending on the amount of items in the list shown, which is determined by the 'limit' value. You can customize the button design with CSS by targeting the classes mfn-prev and mfn-next
This section goes through how you enable a Disclaimer-functionality in the MFN Loader.
Disclaimer config
To make it possible to prevent direct accessing a specific press release and instead redirect to a "Disclaimer wall" before being able to view it, we've built in some extra functionality and added a couple of additional options to the config:
The first, disclaimer_redirect_tag is to specify the tag which will trigger the redirect to the Disclaimer wall. The tag "cus:disclaimer" is a custom tag that's included in certain press releases that should be behind a disclaimer.
The second, disclaimer_redirect_url is which URL/html-page it will redirect to.
It is important to add these config options both to the list.html and single.html-template in order to prevent direct access to the single release.
Disclaimer-form template
We provide a sample Disclaimer-form template disclaimer.html to simplify adding a "disclaimer wall" to a particular release in the press releases list. The disclaimer.html-file is a modified single.html-template that has some additional javascript code and example HTML in it to handle the logic of going to the next steps and handles redirecting you back to the press release when done.
It consists of two parts. The first is a placeholder div for the introduction text and has a dropdown for selecting the country the user resides in together with a continue button. If a country is selected that is not included in the array of allowed countries it will show a div with an error. Else it will continue to the second part.
The second part shows a placeholder for a complete legality text and has a container which renders two radio buttons, to either confirm or deny the terms. If you deny you cannot proceed to the next page, if you accept it will proceed to show the single press release.
Example IPO page behind disclaimer
If a disclaimer wall is required to be added to a specific page, for example related to an IPO, inspiration can be taken from the basic and plain javascript implementation below. It covers the important parts regarding a disclaimer wall.
* Below is a variable list with corresponding examples from the basic
MFN-loader setup
* <single-page-item-path>: slug
* <item-disclaimer-tag>: cus:disclaimer
* <disclaimer-page>: disclaimer.html
* <single-page>: single.html
* <list-page>: list.html
* <disclaimer-accept-button-id>: id of your disclaimer accept button
* <disclaimer-disclaimer-button-id>: id of your disclaimer decline button
function disclaimer_check() {
var disclaimerAccepted = localStorage.getItem("disclaimer-ipo-page")
if (!disclaimerAccepted) {
window.location.href = "mock-ipo-disclaimer.html"
function disclaimer_approve() {
document.getElementById("mfn-accept-disclaimer-button").addEventListener("click", () => {
localStorage.setItem("disclaimer-ipo-page", "accepted")
window.location.href = "mock-ipo-page.html"
document.getElementById("mfn-decline-disclaimer-button").addEventListener("click", () => {
// note that this is not part of the example, but should route to some place where the user should end up if the disclaimer is denied
window.location.href = "landing-page.html"
The disclaimer_check() function should be inserted on your sensitive page in a way that it always runs on load and before the information is shown.
The disclaimer_approve() function should be inserted into your disclaimer html so that the click listeners correctly attach to whatever element handles the accept/decline actions.
To further illustrate the implementation, we have provided a very minimal mock of a sensitive page together with a disclaimer page.
Disclaimer page
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Disclaimer page</title>
<div id="disclaimer-step-one">
<p>Your disclaimer text goes here</p>
<select id="disclaimer-country">
<option selected="" disabled="" value="">Choose</option>
<option value="AU">Australia</option>
<option value="CA">Canada</option>
<option value="NZ">New Zealand</option>
<option value="EEAQI">EEA (Qualified Investor)</option>
<option value="EEANQI">EEA (not a Qualified Investor)</option>
<option value="HK">Hong Kong</option>
<option value="JP">Japan</option>
<option value="UKQIRP">United Kingdom (Qualified Investor and Relevant Person)</option>
<option value="UKNQIRP">United Kingdom (not a Qualified Investor or not a Relevant Person)</option>
<option value="US">United States of America</option>
<option value="SE">Sweden</option>
<option value="OTHER">Other countries</option>
<button id="mfn-submit-step-one" type="submit" disabled>Continue</button>
<div id="disclaimer-step-error" style="display: none">
<h1>Disclaimer – Important</h1>
<p>Due to applicable legal restrictions, the information contained in this section of the website is restricted and is not for release,
publication or distribution, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, in or into the United States of America
(including its territories and possessions, any state of the United States and the District of Columbia), Australia,
Canada, New Zealand, Hong Kong or Japan, or any other jurisdiction in which such release, publication or distribution might constitute
a violation of the local securities laws or regulations of such jurisdiction.</p>
<div id="disclaimer-step-two" style="display: none">
<h1>Disclaimer part 2</h1>
<p>Your disclaimer text goes here</p>
<div id="wrapper">
<!-- The container where the content will end up -->
<button id="mfn-accept-disclaimer-button">Accept</button>
<button id="mfn-decline-disclaimer-button">Decline</button>
<script type="application/javascript">
var country = document.getElementById("disclaimer-country");
var btn1 = document.getElementById("mfn-submit-step-one");
country.addEventListener('click', () => {
if (country.value !== "") {
function disclaimer_approve() {
document.getElementById("mfn-accept-disclaimer-button").addEventListener("click", () => {
localStorage.setItem("disclaimer-ipo-page", "accepted")
window.location.href = "mock-ipo-page.html"
document.getElementById("mfn-decline-disclaimer-button").addEventListener("click", () => {
// note that this is not part of the example, but should route to some place where the user should end up if the disclaimer is denied
window.location.href = "landing-page.html"
btn1.onclick = function() {
if (["US","AU","CA","HK","JP","NZ","EEANQI","UKNQIRP"].filter(function (x) {return x === country.value}).length === 0) {
document.getElementById("disclaimer-step-one").style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById("disclaimer-step-two").style.display = 'block';
} else {
document.getElementById("disclaimer-step-one").style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById("disclaimer-step-error").style.display = 'block';
Page behind disclaimer
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>IPO Information</title>
<h3 id="ipo-title"></h3>
<p id="ipo-info"></p>
function check_disclaimer() {
var disclaimerAccepted = localStorage.getItem("disclaimer-ipo-page")
if (!disclaimerAccepted) {
window.location.href = "mock-disclaimer.html"
// mock fetching content here
const contentFromServer = {
title: "IPO information page",
info: "Sensitive information that must be behind disclaimer wall"
document.getElementById("ipo-title").innerHTML = contentFromServer.title
document.getElementById("ipo-info").innerHTML =
eg. default or [{tag: ':regulatory'}] See the detailed tag definition list .