Report archive

Drop-in client-side implementation using API

The general purpose of the report archive widget is a to provide a overview of a companys published reports

Under the hood this subscription widget uses our WebSub functionality described under the API section of the documentation.

This widget is implemented as a Datablocks widget and uses the Datablocks JS-Loader to load the widget. Where <TOKEN> is a unique Datablocks widget token.

<div id="archive-module"></div>

    (function(widgets) {
        var url = "";
        if (!window._MF) {
            var b = document.createElement("script");
            b.type = "text/javascript";
            b.async = true;
            b.src = url + "/assets/js/loader-v4.js";
		    window._MF = window._MF || {
            data: [],
            url: url,
            ready: !!0,
            render: function() { window._MF.ready = !0 },
            push: function(w) { }
        ,widget: "archive"
        ,locale: "sv"
        ,token: "<TOKEN>"


Here are two customer examples of how to implement the report archive.

Example styling

Bellow is an example of a styled report archive with the used CSS


/* Change font */
font-family: "EuclidCircularB", sans-serif;

/*change width on table */
.mfn-archive table{
    width: 80%

/* Font-weight on titles*/
font-weight: 700;

/* Change height of events */
height: 95px;

/*Change color of title-background*/
.mfn-archive-year tr:first-of-type td{
background: #001965;

/* Change color on icons, find filter here: */
.mfn-archive img{
    filter: invert(16%) sepia(16%) saturate(6555%) hue-rotate(206deg) brightness(94%) contrast(124%);

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